In 2022, ENF, a renowned corporation once known for its commitment to innovation and leadership, began to falter. For years, the company had been the face of cutting-edge tech...
Is like having a company with great talents, early investors & workers who joined a company but saw that the vision was getting lost so they pushed for a change from within. T...
@Randallroland for those of us not following the details of the latest but are still here... What can we do to help the EOS community currently?
Does anyone in here have a contact with EOS Labs that we could ask what they've been doing with their funding?
Who controls ENF and these organizations? is it the BPs? or Yves who elected these "board" that are supposed to control him?
So how does exsat benefit EOS holders ?
At what point do we fork ?
@brandonlovejoy Is it expected that quarterly reports will resume? This really needs to happen
does anyone know what happened to bloks.i?
Whose messages got taken down? Crypto nova? He”s an O.G 💪 He should be allowed vent 💯
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