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Bitcoin is said to be the most secure computer network

in the world. What metric is used to measure the bitcoin network’s computing power?

a) CPUs
b) Hash rate
c) Megahertz
d) Gigahertz

What determines the price of bitcoin? Select all that apply.

a) The balance of supply and demand
b) Social media influence
c) Federal interest rates
d) None of these
e) All of the above

Cryptocurrencies are held in digital wallets which can be custodial or non-custodial. A non-custodial wallet means..

a) Consumers take full ownership and responsibility for their crypto investments
b) There’s no one to call to recover your password
c ) You are the bank
d) None of these
e) a, b, and c

What is a non-fungible token (NFT)?

a) A token that represents a digital item which can be easily duplicated or replicated
b) A token that represents a unique item that can be owned by multiple parties concurrently
c) A token that represents digital ownership of unique items that cannot be mutually exchanged for one another
d) A token that represents digital ownership of unique items that are exclusively collectible

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