210 похожих чатов

I have a Double Major in Mathematics and Economics! I've

come here especially just to try to educate you guys!
I'm not even invested in this project. I'm not a fudder! I'm trying to help you! This isn't about fear, uncertainty or doubt. This is FACT!

The 1.2% burn will initially increase price, yes, but as it slows volume it WILL decrease the rate of tokens being burnt. This means it'll NEVER reach $1.

Are you all that ignorant that you refuse to see where this is heading?

Facts do not cease to exist because you choose to ignore them. Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.


18 ответов

27 просмотров

Go create your own token

No one cares your major bro, no one loves reading long nonsense post also. So wake the fuck up yourself. Stop dreaming, your majors dont do shit in this generation anymore. No one cares about paper. Also no one needs your help. It's people's money not yours. Help yourself with your 2 majors and see where it can get you to. Since you're here wasting your time typing nonsense probs no one will read. Highly likely you're a homeless low educated loser with $5 investment hoping for exit liquidity.

Nothing is more dangerous than spewing BS without and facts to back it. Show us the calculations

how can slows the volume? if burn 1.2% from off chain, the supply will decrease. and price automatically surge higher

FUD lol you did not come here specially to educate us with your degree😂

I’m a double don’t give a 💩 what you think I’m holding! 💰💥🚀

BULL-H Автор вопроса
how can slows the volume? if burn 1.2% from off ch...

No! As the price moves up, less tokens get traded! The less the tokens are traded the less the burn rate reducese supply. It's really super simple guys! Your greed is a blindfold that'll see you all walking off a cliff!

If investing/finance is mostly math, shouldn’t most math majors be richer than Bill Gates?

Go to psychiatrist bro…

No! As the price moves up, less tokens get traded!...

Also remember that the on-chain burning is yet to officially kick off, only a few entities are burning at the moment

No one cares your major bro, no one loves reading ...

This guy may be a dork, but he’s right. You don’t need to be so defensive brah.

No! As the price moves up, less tokens get traded!...

How does it matter? If price and popularity increase.. utility comes in and it becomes easier to repeg ustc and then minting ustc automatically burns luna (if u paid attention to any of the ama).. take ur head out of a unidimensional perspective

Crash Override
This guy may be a dork, but he’s right. You don’t...

Defend what lmao? Im just typing shit back to him since i have nothing to do atm rofl. I dont even care about it much

No! As the price moves up, less tokens get traded!...

the purpose of burn 1.2% off chain is decrease the supply. so price moves higher. if the supply back to billion, burn can stop. as simple as like that

$119 to 0.000001 is possible 0.0002 to $1 is possible You are suck

No one cares your major bro, no one loves reading ...

What he said is FACT …but what to do 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. people in here are fucking delusional. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

What he said is FACT …but what to do 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. peo...

Nah not delusional, its just that, its people's money not yours. You have no rights to teach people what to do with their money. They invest in what they want or what they can. Only delusional people flex their fake majors and trash facts to exit liquidity. Now that is facts

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