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EVERYONE, STOP HATING AND LISTEN! You're walking into a trap

and the whales are banking on your blind hope and lack of mathematical understading. If you understand that this project can't go much higher, then you won't invest... and that doesn't help them. They're literally banking on your ignorance!!!!!!

I'll leave this here....:
Dude I am a dev on another MAJOR project - one y'all know. I'm trying to help you guys. I don't have skin in this game except the deseperation to stop people losing money! I'M NOT AN INVESTOR!

Burns don't send the price up! They're designed to create stability.

Your calculations are based on the price of the token remaining the same. The fact is though if the price increases, this will result in the volume of tokens traded decreasing respectively. Why is this important? Because this will slow the 1.2% burn rate. Y'all thinking you can eliminate 6T tokens? It's impossible! IMPOSSIBLE!

As the burn rate slows, the increase rate of price per token will slow as well. The token will eventually move in price like a snail before halting. It certainly won't ever reach $1 - ever! Why can no one see this? Do the math, but ensure you factor in the changing of the price of the token and how it will slow the volume and subsequently the burn rate.

Why are people not understanding this? Everyone’s going on and on about reaching $1 and max supply coming down to billions, but this can’t happen if you understand how the volume will slow exponentially. Please everyone, stop calculating volume based on the current price because the current price won’t remain the same. Volume will indeed decrease as will the burn rate. This is unavoidable mathematically.

The 1.2% burn rate is a kiss of death. A lot of those who are currently selling have worked this out!

13 ответов

27 просмотров

If you are not an investor then why have you joined this group.

BULL-H Автор вопроса
If you are not an investor then why have you joine...

Because as far as people walking into a trap goes, this project is like no other. If people get rekt here they're less likely to invest in projects that deserve it! LUNC's tokenomics aren't going to get it to $1. It's mathematically impossible. Guys I'm just trying to help you all. I don't have to try, but I hate seeing people get high on hopium and swept up in FOMO when they don't understand the MATH. This token will never reach $1. It just won't. Poeple are saying we'll burn 6 trillion tokens, but that'd be impossible if the price per token keeps increasing. Why are people not getting this? STOP and THINK! As you burn supply the price goes up, yes. BUT as the price goes up less tokens get sold. As less tokens get sold the 1.2% burns reducese less and less tokens. It's exponential! People are calling me a FUDDER, but I'm NOT! Fudders don't go to this effort to help prevent other from losing. They just type one or two negative lines with no reasoning. They just say things like, "This coin sucks!" etc. I'm, not doing this. I've explained this to y'all perfectly and y'all are ignorant. Because you think I'm a fudder you ignore me, but I'm not a fudder. I'm a mathematician! I'm just trying to help!


Because as far as people walking into a trap goes,...

Why do u care so much? Not your money not your concern

Because as far as people walking into a trap goes,...

man you talk to much. have you ever heard of power to the people

Your not anyone or anything g anywhere LOL You don't know whay projects are coming back or what talks are happening atm. Your just a fud Boi thats not needed... hope that was enough of the attention you were seeking. Good luck... go buy some more doge lol

Because as far as people walking into a trap goes,...

People like you said the same about doge coin, before it killed 4 zeors Note: doge coin has no burn tax

Because as far as people walking into a trap goes,...

Are you realizing that these people won’t listen yet? Good on you, but you are wasting your time

Because as far as people walking into a trap goes,...

Just let people be bro. Theyre grown ups they can make their own decisions

man you talk to much. have you ever heard of power...

Yeap its true If Lunc could go to 1 even without burning then it could show to the world what is the true power.

Crash Override
Are you realizing that these people won’t listen y...

DABID Doesn't understand math and the dynamics of a fluid market either. Him and BULL. need to go suck a bag if dicks and share stories of how the saved investors . Lol. Gtfo WE BURN 🔥 1.2 % BITCH

Because as far as people walking into a trap goes,...

We don't need it to reach 1$. we just need it 100x to 500x from this price is ok

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