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Hey guys random question, how long have you staked your

hex for? I'll go 1st, 2 years :)

9 ответов

3 просмотра


< 2 years. Not too sure about the ETH chain

Rawrawrow- Автор вопроса
RM NorthEastMTB
< 2 years. Not too sure about the ETH chain

Yeah its a bit tricky right now because of the talk of kingpins etc

I have 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10 year stakes. I also have a 90 day a little more than half completed.

G4MM4 🚫 DM

@GammaOnCrypto in your opinion, should we care about Quantum Computing breaking blockchain in 15 years, specially HEX?

G4MM4 🚫 DM
Ask in one chat not all of them.

Sorry! I tend to do it to have more probability of receiving an answer. But sorry

Sorry! I tend to do it to have more probability of...

You tagged me lol I will answer just not right away.

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