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Brothers, do you believe 5.6 billions that Binance burnt is

the total trading fees in 7 days??? Only 5.6B / 0.1% = 5.6T trading volume in 7 days???
It is not true. It is too low.

5 ответов

7 просмотров

actually it was 14days. they burned fees started from sept. 21. Read the article first on the pinned message

LUNC-KTIV Автор вопроса
actually it was 14days. they burned fees started f...

Yes, sorry, it is from 21 Sep to 01 Oct. It is too low volume. Right?

Are you paying Binance for this burning 🔥, let’s be grateful. Personally, have you burned any of your lunc for charity? Binance did very well .

seeing the daily volume, yes it was low

I disagree because some people including myself trade lunc/Busd on 0 trading fee on Binance. These all added up to the volume.

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