210 похожих чатов

I'M going to be frank. I'm sick of every

damn gov proposal be about giving people money! GTFO! Can we please just do a reverse split and get rid of the excess coins?

Set a peg goal, do the math and just do it. You greedy people want to hang on to coins that will never be worth anything at this rate. If you think people will dump after the split then sell now and wait for it.

4 ответов

7 просмотров

Tell me why Japan won’t do the reverse split on its currency so that it look nicer?

TheBabadook- Автор вопроса
Tiny 🐳
Tell me why Japan won’t do the reverse split on it...

I'm talking about a crypto coin not a government currency. Get real.

That’s the same economic concept. Be realistic. It is business at the end of the day.

TheBabadook- Автор вопроса
Tiny 🐳
That’s the same economic concept. Be realistic. It...

No it's government backed currency vs a crypto project. Last I checked LUNC wasn't the foundational form of payment for anything.

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