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Have you ever wondered why you get late informations about

coins that pumped massively and made people huge bucks?

5 ответов

8 просмотров
Julliet- Автор вопроса

Said this two weeks ago, no one took me seriously. Now just see Pepe. Now ask yourself, why did you miss it? Congrats to those that took me seriously and acted on my words

Said this two weeks ago, no one took me seriously....

You have never said the word Pepe in here before 🤔

Julliet- Автор вопроса
Rose🌹 | cosmosrescue
You have never said the word Pepe in here before 🤔

Yeah I never did, read what former chat then you'll understand what I mean. What I said initially is same case with Pepe. Many people only got to know after it has made numbers. The real question is, why didn't you know earlier to buy in? That's what I'm emphasising on

Yeah I never did, read what former chat then you'l...

It has always been my theory, especially with Shiba. At the time, if you didn't know it would have raised so much why you should have bought billions of tokens?

Julliet- Автор вопроса
Marco L
It has always been my theory, especially with Shib...

That's why more reason you should be in a Prem..group with Whale members. This way you'll be sure of coins that'll do numbers and stack up

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