209 похожих чатов

I (invested in all 3 platform own offers shares/membership/coin) just

wonder if that was really well thought out. i see an increased chance that many disappointed early investors will emigrate. and this penetrating forced to invest in these thematics and coins. why isn't trading on the platform generally rewarded, the platform takes a fee for every trade!?

8 ответов

20 просмотров

Not sure what you mean if you have 450 points you get 50% cashback on tradingfees

Siat_fight_Fud 🇨🇭🦄⭕️ 🇨🇭🦄⭕️
Not sure what you mean if you have 450 points you ...

But to get to those 450pts is it possible to multiply those $50s/10pts per week or is 10pts per week the max to reach??…😬

Dominik-Borer Автор вопроса
But to get to those 450pts is it possible to multi...

Yeah there is no max your target is to reach the top10% anyway so i dont think you will get that with 450 points

So 10pts per week is max on purchasing CHSB??..😬😬

No you can put your millions in but dont forget thats a bit a tactical game

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