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You can stake your Atoms on Keplr wallet whenever you wish.

⚛️Deioces ⚛️- Автор вопроса

Okay so thats the Mainwallet zo stake on. So i m3an when i stake.. i am a Staker of Atom and get Rewards in Form of Airdrops and other Rewards?

⚛️Deioces ⚛️
Okay so thats the Mainwallet zo stake on. So i m3a...

You can get staking rewards as Atom every block.( 6-7 seconds) If you mean how to be eligible for airdrops, only staking your Atoms will be enough to be eligible for future airdrops. You can follow airdrop news; https://cosmospug.com https://airdrops.one

What about through exodus wallet?

What about through exodus wallet?

You can’t claim your airdrops via exodus wallet.


Y do not choose validator which offers 0 commission?

Francis Toh
Y do not choose validator which offers 0 commissio...

It's not uncommon to exclude 0% validators in airdrops

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