210 похожих чатов

Everyone forked eth and look what happened. You don't see

a similar dynamic happening? If people stop forking eth and start forking avax, we'll be the original guys. Like Pepe and all the others or doge and all the others or uni and all the others. Maybe wishful thinking on my part

1 ответов

7 просмотров

How do Subnets drive the value of AVAX? (Scroll down) https://support.avax.network/en/articles/6158840-subnet-faq FedNow is built on an Avalanche fork, right? Is that the same as being an Avalanche subnet? Sorry for asking such an uninformed question. Would someone please answer anyway? https://docs.avax.network/subnets Here's 👇 Avalanche's intro to subnets. Except: "The "P-Chain, C-Chain and X-Chain are validated and secured by all the Avalanche validators which comprise a special Subnet ... referred as the Primary Network." "...all Subnet validators must also validate the Avalanche Primary Network."

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