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What do we know about WagyuSwap? All of their contracts

on Telos (Masterchef, Router, WAG token etc.) are currently unverified. I asked about it in their TG but met with silence so far.

3 ответов

12 просмотров

I've just checked back through our chatlog, and Yes I have genuinely missed your comments, Our CTO is going through the contracts which will be imminently verified, Thank you for raising awareness to the community, Protecting and ensuring transparency to all users is critical in the space, and something we hold in high esteem.

I been in wagyu since ido and it is a solid project, now a multichain dex with telos… choosing telos instead other chains is very positive and include a lot of research imo, both projects have huge potential to keep growing

Erik-Karlsson Автор вопроса
I've just checked back through our chatlog, and Ye...

Thank you, I can see that the contracts are verified now.

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