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Staking Luna 🔒 Delegate Once you have Luna on Terra Station, you can 'delegate' it to a validator to secure the network and earn staking rewards. Pick an active validator from the Stake tab and delegate your Luna from here. 🔏 Redelegate You can switch validators by choosing 'redelegate'. Do this from the page of the validator you want to redelegate to. You will continue accruing rewards as normal. Choose wisely, as you can only redelegate once every 21 days! 🔓 Undelegate If you want to unstake Luna and return it to your wallet, choose 'undelegate' on the validator page where it is staked. This will take 21 days to complete and cannot be undone. There are no staking rewards during this time. You can find when your unstaking ends on the app or by checking your wallet address on finder.terra.money. You can find more info here.

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