209 похожих чатов

Has anyone here hatched a rare/ epic ? i don't

see anyone selling at least

8 ответов

8 просмотров

12 days left for epic

I thinking the epic or rare dont drop on Gênesis eggshell

oh nice u got epic 10% to frens? ty

Fábio Baltar
I thinking the epic or rare dont drop on Gênesis e...

There was first in leaderboard before market worth 180+ hp means he got rare atleast. Unless transfered all dragons from other accounts???..

z z
There was first in leaderboard before market worth...

it was not rare or epic, but a multi account action

z z
There was first in leaderboard before market worth...

there is collection boost, you get extra power for having 6-12-18 dragons

Ace-Cobra Автор вопроса
Ace Cobra
ah - so can only get it via breeding ?

From what i see, i’m believing só

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