209 похожих чатов

What does this mean: 💡 An easy way to gain 5 points this

week is to have a $50 worth of Earn netflow.

I already do Earn, so not sure what else it means??

5 ответов

27 просмотров

It’s regarding to the hero score, there’s different things you can do to increase it every week. The one you posted is one of them.

Statement0X- Автор вопроса
It’s regarding to the hero score, there’s differen...

Thanks Mo but I don't understand when I'm already doing earn each week how I can do what's it's recommending?

Thanks Mo but I don't understand when I'm already ...

Making top ups to your existing EARN with $50

Statement0X- Автор вопроса
Making top ups to your existing EARN with $50

Yep. I do that each week and it's still recommending it. It's bazaar.

Yep. I do that each week and it's still recommendi...

Probably just default communication that everybody gets.

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