209 похожих чатов

Is it like an rpc layer? Im guessing all of

this data from other blockchains isnt gonna be stored onchain.

Also how does darp play into this? With this pivot it sounds like there wont be a focus on node relayers, or will there? Will you still be able to run a relay node and earn rewards that way?

1 ответов

8 просмотров

Darp was our innitial technology which Stack spanend from. DARP finds fastest paths in the network and our decentralized version of darp exclusively focused on grouping nodes using latency information for lowest latency data delivery. THe protocol we use for broker network and to deliver data streams also has grouping inside. Also publishers need to select brokers through which to deliver data to the application . So all of our network is optimised for lowest latency, thus even now when publishers are connected data to the app is streamed in low latency way from the blockchain

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