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Has anyone in here written any code for cosmos ecosystem?

What language is default?

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11 просмотров

Via Chat GPT-4 What are the programming languages for the cosmos crypto ecosystem? The Cosmos crypto ecosystem primarily uses the following programming languages: 1. Go (Golang): The Cosmos SDK, which is the framework for building blockchain applications within the Cosmos ecosystem, is written in Go. Tendermint Core, the Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) middleware that provides the networking and consensus layers for Cosmos blockchains, is also written in Go. 2. Rust: The Cosmos ecosystem has a Rust implementation called Cosmos-rust, which provides a Rust-based SDK for building Cosmos applications. Additionally, Rust is used in the development of the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol, which enables communication between different blockchains within the Cosmos ecosystem. 3. JavaScript/TypeScript: JavaScript and TypeScript are used for building front-end applications and tools that interact with Cosmos blockchains. The Cosmos JavaScript SDK allows developers to build web applications that can communicate with Cosmos-based blockchains. 4. Solidity: Ethermint, a project within the Cosmos ecosystem, allows developers to deploy Ethereum-compatible smart contracts on Cosmos using the Solidity programming language. These are the primary programming languages used in the Cosmos crypto ecosystem, but developers can also build custom modules and tools using other languages, depending on their specific needs and requirements.

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