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Been following Mike for many years, but I am struggling

to see why he has hung his hat on the Epic Cash wagon. (Maybe paid 🙄🤑) Is there anything that Epic does better than ARRR? I would love to make lots of positive ARRR comments on Mike's channel, but I am not a crypto techie user. When they say Epic is the most private crypto out there, what are they basing this on?

6 ответов

17 просмотров

Mike is CIA!

Mike Adams

Yeh that doesn't surprise me, that company he runs is a front.

Director of printing at the FED
Yeh that doesn't surprise me, that company he runs...

I don't think he is honestly, I think he is running a legit business, tho I am aware of how the CIA has all these weird fronts, though I imagine the biggest ones are probably Amazon, Google, Apple, etc

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