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CKBull wallet question. I initiated the withdrawal which took a period

of time
( 60 epochs).. That has since settled and the unlock option became available..
I initiated that but after 2 days it says withdrawal in progress..
How long does this step usually take??

4 ответов

9 просмотров

To know more about how to store $CKB securely: linktr.ee/nervosbuddy 👀

The second step takes a few minutes like a normal transaction. I think it has something to do with this: https://t.me/NervosNetwork/301802

Crypto Gumby-$CKB Автор вопроса
Crypto Gumby $CKB
any idea on when a fix for this bug will occur?

If you read the CKBull group chat, Victor comments on it: "We have just fixed it and we will be submitting the update today. We will have to wait some days for Apple and Android to approve the new version."

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