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Hey guys what are your experiences with Thematics? You pay

0.4% per month and get no rewards so you basically loose money every month? And how do you pay that fee? I guess you pay it during new balancing?
Is that right or do I miss understand anything here?
So what's the point in investing Into Thematics if you for sure loose money over time?

6 ответов

18 просмотров

we are not financial advisors so thats something you have to decide by yourself or hire a financial advisor that work this out for you. But yes its 0.4% each month, for premium generation upwards 0.35% also there is an additional fee if you buy or sell the thematics (not rebalancing) that starts with 1% and goes lower based on your premium you find all the fees here ; https://swissborg.com/legal/swissborg-app-fees . General said not every product is the right thing for every user in your case a yield would be most likely more match but there you also get only a low apy out of it,

It’s the same idea as a mutual fund or ETF, you pay a fee for it’s management

Snopy- Автор вопроса
Pedro Rohr
It’s the same idea as a mutual fund or ETF, you pa...

Yeah thats completele right and im totaly fine with this. But here you dont earn any yield atm. If you wouldnt earn any yield with etfs your money would be gone sooner or later cause you only pay fees.

Pedro Rohr
It’s the same idea as a mutual fund or ETF, you pa...

It's a very high management fee though! It turns out to be about 4.7% p.a.

It's a very high management fee though! It turns o...

On that we agree, but I believe we will get better fees as the market evolves and the competition starts offering similar products (this is just my personal opinion)

Pedro Rohr
On that we agree, but I believe we will get better...

But what do you see as a benefit of thematics? Why should someone decide to use thematics? Nobody wants less money. What makes up for the fees?

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