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And I know I'm literally an infant in this forum

and all. But, does anyone know of a smart contract, or some other mechanism, to run run a full web-site tech stack, let's just say a Laravel full-stack, on EOS?

9 ответов

15 просмотров

@Randomnobody may have some thoughts on this.

Mike (codinheim)- Автор вопроса
Lovejoy Lovejoy
@Randomnobody may have some thoughts on this.

I can imagine a couple ways to accomplish it. But, I gotta believe I'm not the only one with this idea.

Out with the kids rn, but if you give me a bit more info about what you're thinking I can comment later 👍

Mike (codinheim)- Автор вопроса
Nathan James (nsjames) | ENF
Out with the kids rn, but if you give me a bit mor...

Thanks Nathan. To give you a bit more specifics, I've been tasked with bringing online an e-Commerce platform, who's target market is "patriots" who wave the flag of freedom. That said, I imagine opponents to such a platform might find it more difficult to block if it were running on a system like EOS, so as to make it resilient to both outages and other factors. The tech stack is presently running in Docker containers using Laravel + MySQL as the tech-stack. But, I'm thinking it might be fully hosted on EOS by: 1) swapping out Laravel with a static HTML site, then hosting the static HTML files on EOS nodes. 2) swapping out MySQL with a EOSMySQLInterface class, which basically would emulate a MySQL database but store the data in smart contracts on EOS. So, I'm just curious if anyone else has made any progress on either of those two bits as a standard EVM smart contract? Or maybe a more specialized/optimized contract written in C++?

Mike (codinheim)
Thanks Nathan. To give you a bit more specifics, ...

here is a map on EOS EVM, and we made some dApps on EOS EVM testnet that You can test it: https://gitmind.com/app/docs/m2jv4hfb maybe You can find some usefull/interesting things

Mike (codinheim)
Thanks Nathan. To give you a bit more specifics, ...

ping @thenewlegendx might provide some feedback on that, it worked on something related

Mike (codinheim)
Thanks Nathan. To give you a bit more specifics, ...

👏 Super! I am very glad that like-minded people appear here, who are not interested in gossip, intrigue, and any news-like nonsense. Namely, the practical use of blockchain. In 2019, for the presidential elections in Ukraine, independent political technologists ordered a parallel vote counting system from me, I also implemented it on Laravel, where part of the data was stored in IPFS (photos with violations at polling stations and other audio / graphic information). But I really missed a decentralized database, so I came to the EOS. But at that time there was very little information about practical use, some information was but only for C ++ and I ended up using MySQL. I still miss a decentralized database for PHP

Mike (codinheim)
Thanks Nathan. To give you a bit more specifics, ...

We got something close on BBS , a decentralised social media platform running on EOS. You can see it working at bbs.market . I am not much into the tech side of things but the basic idea is that every post, comment etc. are directly recorded to EOS chain history and retrieved from there to display on UI. So even if one UI is programmed to hide some posts anyone can spin up their own UI and read from the immutable chain history, hence censorship resistant. It isn't completely "decentralised" in the sense that it uses some centralised services to store media files etc.

We got something close on BBS , a decentralised so...

how to search for a keyword from an array of all posts?

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