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Musozi- Автор вопроса

@ChrisBarnes1 and Helios actively promotion Telos on Twitter but nothing for EOS only Fud.

yes I'm promoting the Telos X GameStop partnership...its an absolute killer move!! My concerns with EOS are related to how the ENF is operating. You can call that FUD if you want, but I think what they are doing is harming this ecosystem more than it is helping (of course yes there is some good coming out of the ENF...so not all bad...which I always say). I'm entitled to this opinion, and should be able to ask questions of what is going on with tokens minted on our backs.

Chris Barnes
yes I'm promoting the Telos X GameStop partnership...

being critical against the ENF is ok and healthy but being THAT vocal and critical against the ENF and at the same time spending so much time defending B1 after what they did to the project/community... sorry but it is not a balanced position at all.

being critical against the ENF is ok and healthy b...

The views towards B1 seem to be highly polarized. I'm not pro B1, but I'm definitely in the middle in that I don't think they are as nefarious as many here paint them to be. I've always said that I'm not pleased with what they did, they absolutely could've been far more effective...but I say that with a forward looking pragmatic mindset. The past isn't changing anytime soon, but the future is up to us, and I have, and will continue to believe that this EOS community was better off finding ways to work with B1 vs pushing them away.

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