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Did you see this? https://twitter.com/BrendanBlumer/status/1669765381349601285

5 ответов

9 просмотров

LOL. So he's already admitting hes fucked

Recep- Автор вопроса

EOSIO wasn't what was promised with those funds

screenshot EOSIO wasn't what was promised with those funds

Their next argument will be that “EOS ecosystem” extends to any project no matter what blockchain they’re built on so long as they’re in the same industry lol

screenshot EOSIO wasn't what was promised with those funds

EOS didn't even exist at this time...this argument that B1 and Blumer were talking about this chain is kinda ridiculous, it didn't exist. The community could've called it whatever they wanted...like Telos did. My sense is they always meant the software, and never intended to specify any one singular instantiation of it...how could they even have known how many chains would launch with it? Answer, they had no idea...that was the point.

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