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@ChrisBarnes1 how can you look to yourself in glass ?

You are actively promoting the company that fucked all EOS investors. Your salary must be very high for this job

6 ответов

14 просмотров

We clearly have different views and approaches on how to get over past trauma. I'm pragmatic and forward looking. My considerations of B1 have always been more open minded and less "angry"...that approach is partially what led to the 500k EOS donation to Eden. For the umpteenth time, I too am not please with everything that B1 has done in the past. That being said I firmly believe we are better as an EOS community to find ways to work with B1 vs against.

Chris Barnes
We clearly have different views and approaches on ...

🤔 maybe it would have been a good idea to play nice with B1 to get any money that they'd be willing to give... then after milking them for as much as possible, we turn around and sue em anyway... not before promising not to sue them of course... from my perspective... that approach seems to work in the crypto space 😁

Kameron James | zeos.one
🤔 maybe it would have been a good idea to play nic...

sure...that would've quite possibly been a more strategically effective approach that what we've seen.

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