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Hello. Is there a concrete plan to integrate the INJ

app on Ledger? I know that INJ/ETH is on Ledger, but I really hope the app for its own chain will soon be there. Honestly, I know people who hesitate to invest more precisely because there is no integrated app on Ledger.

4 ответов

6 просмотров

One can simply store their INJ on the native wallet and secure via ledger. Just as secure.

Mabru2011- Автор вопроса
One can simply store their INJ on the native walle...

I have my funds on Cosmostation wallet, not Keplr. O need to unstake them for m9ving to Keplr and when there will be an app on Ledger, to unstake again. I'm waiting to make one single move, thanks.

i mean, technically you could import your seedphrase into keplr and it would be the same address

Mabru2011- Автор вопроса
i mean, technically you could import your seedphra...

I didn't know that. This is good to know, thanks!

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