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Fulcrum problem. What’s the deal on OS crashes when Fulcrum

is running, leading to need to delete and recreate the entire Fulcrum database?

One of my Raspberry Pi servers crashed due to flaky power problems with a USB disk which suddenly froze all disk io. Of course no logs. Restarted and bitcoind recovered in a few minutes, it checkpoints state. Fulcrum restart ordered up a deletion of the entire database and reloading. (This system was terribly flaky since I got a new USB storage device and has crashed perhaps 10 times, so usually the database corruption doesn’t happen.)

Nothing new here, similar problems date back to Electrum X and Electrum. But it would be nice if Fulcrum were at least as fault tolerant as bitcoind. Is anyone working on improving this?

1 ответов

22 просмотра

I think it was actually a design choice. Trade-off is increased performance.

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