209 похожих чатов

Hi, i was reading about a polygon announcement...the value layer

of the Internet...did they accidently imagine the same technology of syntropy data availability layer or did polygon "steal" syntropy project(of course it is a joke) ? My point is if there is similarity between both projects

4 ответов

7 просмотров

Hey there, haven't done my fair share of research into what Polygon is building. However, as stated before there are similar other blockchain data providers, but we already shown our advantages during Aptos and Ethereum testing.

Simas ✤ Jurelevicius
Hey there, haven't done my fair share of research ...

In this what Syntropy is building? https://twitter.com/chiefbuidl/status/1686896091743256577?t=0mHbhQVriN5EX0mUF4mqQA&s=19

In this what Syntropy is building? https://twitt...

Yet again, can't really comment on their work, because I do not know the details of it, but I see some similarities.

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