Hi there, Could you be more specific with your question please ?
I would like to know who is in charge of the project .. and to stake the website there is "404 not found"
Yes, Some pages on the official website are under maintenance. Let me help you with Staking Atoms. You can stake your Atoms via Keplr, Cosmostation and other wallets. https://cosmos.network/ecosystem/wallets But the most recommended and used one is KEPLR. https://www.keplr.app/ Here is the guideline for Keplr wallet; https://medium.com/chainapsis/how-to-use-keplr-wallet-40afc80907f6 You can explore Cosmos Hub's blokchain data such as Apr,inflation,validator set etc; https://www.mintscan.io/cosmos https://monitor.bronbro.io/d/cosmos-stats/cosmos-stats?orgId=2&refresh=5s Please, share with us if you have more questions.
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