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Neuron application new instance on windows gets stuck at connecting,

i then have close the app, delete the address list db and open again for sync to start. Do you have a fix?

3 ответов

4 просмотра

The solution when Neuron gets stuck connecting after reboot is this: https://t.me/NervosNetwork/304759 and when doing so it should not sync from 0, it should connect to mainnet when opening Neuron after doing the steps. I am mentioning this because I have already seen many cases of users who, instead of clicking on the folder icon, click set and then clear the synchronized data. If you do that obviously the synchronization will start from 0, but that is not what the instructions say. You have to delete addr_manager file from the installation folder (do NOT clean the synchronized data). I explained the process to a user here: https://t.me/NervosNetwork/303163 https://t.me/NervosNetwork/303186 https://t.me/NervosNetwork/303202 If you have done the process correctly and it still does not solve it, then open an issue on Github with the debug info: https://github.com/nervosnetwork/neuron/issues

RJ-S Автор вопроса

Working ok now, the neuron data file size is just under 46GB, do you have growth estimate? Is there a lite wallet to just do the transactions? Also is there any incentive to keep all blockchain data on top of DAO?

Working ok now, the neuron data file size is just ...

a) There is no estimated growth since it depends on the level of demand and use of the network, which varies over time. b) In November light clients are expected on mainnet through a softfork that will tremendously alleviate both disk usage and synchronization time (see image). c) I don't quite understand this question but if you mean what are the incentives to run a full node is it to help increase the decentralization and security of the network, it is also considered the safest option since you are directly connected to the network and you do not depend on third parties. There are no financial rewards.

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