there future unlocks as well as the max. supply?
No future unlocks. All Atoms are in circulation and around %70.14 Atoms supply are at staked. And Atom is an inflationary token and has a dynamic inflation model. Let me explain how this works. Inflation has a floor of 7% and a ceiling of 20%. The target percentage of total supply coins staked is 66%. The network uses an algorithm to maintain this level. When the staked percentage of total supply is above 66%, inflation heads down to the floor of 7%. When the staked rate is below 66%, the inflation starts heading up toward the ceiling of 20%. For now, the Total staked ratio is ~70.14%, and inflation is ~14.60% ! After reaching 66% , inflation started to decrease! And heading down to 7% block by block! You can explore Cosmos Hub blockchain data here; And Graph;
Current staking apr?
Just under 18.75%. It's on the Cosmos mintscan page. Yield on our node is just under 18% after commission
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