210 похожих чатов

Friendly reminder to check and revoke access to grants you

don't recognise!

After looking at the scammer's wallet, we noticed one of his victims has $16k of ATOM unbonding in 13 hours, and the owner has not yet revoked the scammer's access 😖 I'm not sure how to get a message through to them... maybe some more retweets would get them to notice?


6 ответов

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cosmos-rescue Автор вопроса

well, the scammer got the $16k :( https://www.mintscan.io/cosmos/accounts/cosmos12vfpmlvmqrh9p0kcrtv6lw9ylkh7reuck3vxf9


Yeah I just realised when it was gone. I apparently clicked a fake airdrop


YEah I suck, I clicked a fake orai airdrop

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