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Will there be a token migration?

13 ответов

5 просмотров

Migration to own network already done. No other migration.

Jay- Автор вопроса
If I have on BSC and eth do I need to migrate now?

- If you want to stake on the network, then you should migrate. - If you want your FET tokens on a network with the cheapest fee, I would also suggest you use fetch.ai network

Jay- Автор вопроса
Trema - "Global Professional Administrator" - I will never DM/PM
- If you want to stake on the network, then you sh...

Ok other than that I can just leave on current chains? Does MetaMask support fetch network or do I need to install fetch wallet? I have multisig

Ok other than that I can just leave on current cha...

No, metamask doesn't support it. Wallets you can use to store FET on the mainnet are: Fetch.ai wallet, Cosmostation Web or App wallet

Jay- Автор вопроса
Trema - "Global Professional Administrator" - I will never DM/PM
No, metamask doesn't support it. Wallets you can u...

ok thanks. so i can just keep on current bsc and eth chains without worry of any upcoming migrations? sorry, so many coins i hold are going through this and i want to make sure i'm on top of it!

Jay- Автор вопроса
ok thanks. so i can just keep on current bsc and ...

Yes. You can hold on to your Eth or bsc version of token.

The newest version of the Fetch wallet support all chains and also you provides a bridge to convert from one version to another. But it does not provide multisig feature.

Jay- Автор вопроса
How do I stake and what is the apy?

Here is a guide on how to stake: https://youtu.be/41Z1PzXj-dE

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