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I created an injective account using my Ledger. Staked some

inj. For some reason when I go to the injective hub I try to connect with me ledger and it brings me to a "get addresses" option which then only works if I select eth on my ledger and then gives me a load of eth addresses as opposed to my Injective address that starts with "inj"

What's going on?

4 ответов

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KANO_Z-K Автор вопроса

When I created an account initially it gave me my INJ address, I created it using my ledger device. Now its not showing that when I try and connect via ledger

yes, your inj address is interconnected to one of those ETH addresses

When I created an account initially it gave me my ...

if you don't remember what ETH address you used to connect to the hub then, you will have to try to connect to each ETH address to see which one is the one interconnected to your INJ address

KANO_Z-K Автор вопроса

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