the script) but I want avalanche to run in the background, so I'm creating a file "avalanchego.service" so I can start or stop it using the command: systemctl
but I don't know how to write/configure it with the proper parameters for Avalanche, does anyone have a template to review and implement it?
Thanks 😊
cat /etc/systemd/system/avalanchego.service [Unit] Description=AvalancheGo systemd service StartLimitIntervalSec=0 [Service] Type=simple User=mahof WorkingDirectory=/home/mahof ExecStart=/home/mahof/avalanche-node/avalanchego --config-file=/home/mahof/.avalanchego/configs/node.json Restart=always RestartSec=1 LimitNOFILE=65535 [Install] you can use mine as a template change the paths to fit your system you can configure the node.json for fuji
cat .avalanchego/configs/node.json { "http-host": "", "http-port": "9650", "network-id": "fuji", "track-subnets": "2q5qfMjarA3PJDEe594LFY2sHqNuD95CAkhkQTMY4Z6aHndgXT" }
i think he should adjust state sync parameter as well in config.json for less database
yes bro there much parameters could be used with the config. docs avax network/nodes/configure/avalanchego-config-flags fill in the blanks with the docs
The best place to get help with anything technical is the Discord all the devs are there
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