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Hi guys, Does Injective support Ledger now? I do

transfer on Keplr, but it noticed me to open Ehtereum app on Ledger. A little confused.

7 ответов

14 просмотров

Hi, nope ledger doesn't support Injective network but we support Ledger on the hub, just need to connect, once you do, you'll receive an injective address that's interconnected to your eth address https://hub.injective.network/

Alex Wang ⚛️ IBCL-红军大叔 Автор вопроса
Hi, nope ledger doesn't support Injective network ...

This way I can create new inj address, it’s OK. But how do I transfer the existing INJ from old inj address which I saw on Keplr?

just have to transfer them from keplr to the new injective address given once you log in with your ledger

Alex Wang ⚛️ IBCL-红军大叔 Автор вопроса
just have to transfer them from keplr to the new i...

It’s ok. So, does that mean the two inj address binded together?

Alex Wang ⚛️ IBCL 红军大叔
It’s ok. So, does that mean the two inj address ...

nope, they are different, one is from keplr (supports injective network directly), one from your ledger that is interconnected to your eth address. would you please explain what do you want to do so I can help you thru it?

Alex Wang ⚛️ IBCL-红军大叔 Автор вопроса
nope, they are different, one is from keplr (suppo...

I transfered from keplr to inj hub new address successfully, but with a little weired way. My Keplr connected with Ledger, I always confirm with Cosmos app on Ledger, but this time I confirmed it on Ethereum app on Ledger. And it’s through Keplr.

Alex Wang ⚛️ IBCL 红军大叔
I transfered from keplr to inj hub new address suc...

Yes, because Injective doesn't use the default derivation path for accounts as other cosmos chains but uses the Ethereum derivation path i.e we are compatible with Ethereum.

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