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Let me know iff I understand it the rigth way.

A project could migrate from ethereum to oasis just ussing the Emerald parachain.
If the project wants to improve privacy could use also the Saphire paratime to provide its functionalitly.
So for example a smart contract would be running likein ethereum over the Emerald and writting on the consensus layer, while at the same time the privacy functionality would be ussing the Saphire to write on the consensus layer.
Is that correct?

1 ответов

10 просмотров

Most of it, so basically if you've an already running project on Ethereum/Ethereum chain and you want to use Emerald/Sapphire Paratime you need to deploy your whole project from start but if you need to use the privacy features of Oasis Sapphire you can use Oasis Privacy Layer a.k.a OPL in which you don't have to migrate your whole project from start. Let me share an interesting read about OPL. Wait,

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