209 похожих чатов

2 ответов

2 просмотра

Actually, I would like to understand what is in it for whoever wins the auction and how the bidding is structured The link probably explains everything.. Maybe if you could find out both, I'd be grateful.

Seranium🥷🧬- Автор вопроса
Actually, I would like to understand what is in it...

You bid with your INJ for a basket of currencies. If you win the auction you get the basket. The aim is to not bid more inj as in usd value above the auction basket value in order to make profit from the difference. The auction basket is composed from various quote currencies. The basket is filled from exchange dapp trading fees - 60% from the trading fees go towards the auction. Further more ALL dapps (thanks to burn 2.0) can decide to contribute to the auction now. They contribute even 100% from their fees or 0%. Up to the respective dapps.

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