Infra red
Just to be clear on the new bike shed color. The color selected for the indicator LED on control boards to drive reused ASIC boards shall be: INFRARED (if it is indeed the final LED color the largest contributor to the Unspent Fundraiser has chosen). Now... infrared is a color in the non-visible spectrum, so most humans will end up needing a camera or detector with an IR-pass filter capable of translating the IR flashes to some human readable form. 🙈 Even though many stock M0 boards come with something like a neopixel full RBG smart LED, the firmware developed will not use that LED and will instead only send pulses to an infrared LED added on top using a separate pin... as a hat on a hat 🎩🔝🎩 The infrared LED is also going to be next to a hashboard that will eventually be consuming 400W, that needs forced air cooling. So it's an infrared indicator next to something gets hot. 🤷 Everyone was cool with the LED color and no one objected to Tom's crazy suggestion because no one understood how a 5W owned panel outputs more power than most miners own outright. So in 2035, 5 years after the hashwar is over, everyone's going to be fighting in the CashSlack for days about why all the LEDs on control boars are IR instead of Red, and a bunch of old timers are going to come out of the woodwork to explain long forgotten BIP44 lore to everyone and how one developer dictated the LED color with a donation and it is therefore a sacred bike shed which shall never change.
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