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So dor metagraph is basically group of sensors providing data

about people going in and out?
There can be other group of senesors lets say xyz which will sense the data of items being taken out of shelves i.e customers takes an item from walmart shelf.. that group of senesor will have its own metagrapg? Which will streamline that particular data? And other group of sensors will have its own metapgraph which will do its own thing?
Companies on layer 0 can use that data?

13 ответов

19 просмотров
Afra- Автор вопроса

@criptix am i right?

Yes correct, the last part about the available data depends on each specific Metagraph though, they will be able to allow the sharing of data or not. A quite straight forward use case here is the ability to monetize data directly on-chain, let's say the sensors that pick up the data are only available to users/companies which pay a certain fee to the Metagraph to access the data. A huge new stream of possible use-cases will come to life the more IoT/smart devices we have, a big topic here are smart cities! Check out the spaces from earlier today with Benjamin Diggles to learn more ;) https://twitter.com/DAGChats/status/1707801712524710365

Afra- Автор вопроса
The payment will be in $dag or fiat?

That is up to the metagraph to decide, using the gL0 requires them to pay DAG fees depending on usage though :)

Afra- Автор вопроса
That is up to the metagraph to decide, using the g...

Oh cool. And how can eth or other evm or non evm chain integrate into gLO? They will also have to pay fees?

Oh cool. And how can eth or other evm or non evm c...

It depends on the use-case, a Dapp that is already on Ethereum will need to create a Metagraph to fully utilize the Hypergraph. Another use-case would be cross-chain swaps with Ethereum or different chains chains via a Metagraph.

How long does it take to create a metagraph?

That depends on the Metagraph creators and the complexity of their Dapp/business logic - it could be a simple token and done within days or so complex (Skynet? 😁) that it take months or years.


No mentions of Skynet or it will trigger Claire and we’ll never hear the end of it!

Where did you hear this?

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