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19 ответов

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Hi Nurture 👋, no, not yet. https://t.me/LGCYNetwork/229941 https://t.me/LGCYNetwork/229105 https://x.com/lgcynetwork/status/1710895593059700741?s=46&t=fespFtoQQ-UOuRY_guxikA

Sirius Times- Автор вопроса
Dorin | Won’t DM |
Hi Nurture 👋, no, not yet. https://t.me/LGCYNetwo...

None of the links you provided addressed delay or explains why it is not up yet

Sirius Times
None of the links you provided addressed delay or ...

Amine has referenced on it: “The launch is coming in few days we are preparing the integration of LGCY USDL LOOT”

Dorin | Won’t DM |
Amine has referenced on it: “The launch is coming...

Sooooo is lgcy actually going to develop anything or just a bunch of changes and partnerships drawn out over a few years

Plum God
Sooooo is lgcy actually going to develop anything ...

Lots planned for this month, interview tomorrow with chainlink, new deep partnerships to expand or devs and reach with Circularity, and much more. Hes a recap of Justin from the other day as well.

Danger Wen |LGCY Network||Will not DM first nor ask for money or keys|
Lots planned for this month, interview tomorrow wi...

So besides more “partnerships” with other projects that are doing the same talk with little production your answer as of now is no?

Plum God
So besides more “partnerships” with other projects...

The mods know exactly what the community does. There is a lot set to release this month, best to wait and see what unfolds. And just because we don't see it, doesn't not comment on production. That is your personal perspective.

Danger Wen |LGCY Network||Will not DM first nor ask for money or keys|
The mods know exactly what the community does. The...

Nope. That’s based on facts. Let me ask you this ? What if any product of actual value has lgcy brought to life? Or do you know where groot pre sale money went?

Plum God
Nope. That’s based on facts. Let me ask you this ...

Sorry, I didn't here this notification. Were are building and mid release. Tech takes time. There are rewards for those that want to wait and no penalties for those that decide otherwise. Many things can't be predicted on the release of new technology. As for Groot, I can't speak for them.

But it’s your new partner. I guess you’d better be a little more informed of who your partnerships are with. Groot did a pre sale took peoples $ then did nothing but shift directions change their name and keep acting like it never happened. Seems pretty familar to lgcy…

Shee Buh
Almost like a way to pivot the wens

No need to keep adding logs to the fire, if you’ve got nothing positive to add.

Plum God
But it’s your new partner. I guess you’d better be...

Lol you are a pettyful person , you have no clue of how blockchain works and only hate on those who are working hard on solving problems What did you do for the market ? Nothing

Shee Buh
Almost like a way to pivot the wens

Dorin | Won’t DM | has warned Shee Buh (1/3)

Shee Buh
Almost like a way to pivot the wens

User Shee has 1/3 warnings; be careful!

Plum God
But it’s your new partner. I guess you’d better be...

Dorin | Won’t DM | has warned Plum God (1/3)

Amine Echtati ElitWeb3 Solutions
Lol you are a pettyful person , you have no clue o...

Hahaha there’s scam and run with his usual bs. What have you actually done for the market besides take peoples $ and talk a bunch?

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