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Hi. Will atom inflation remain this high forever or will

it decrease?

3 ответов

10 просмотров

Hello! It's not easy to predict the APR/inflation ratio/staking rewards even for tomorrow's due to the dynamic inflation model. Let me explain how dynamic inflation works. The inflation has a floor of 7% and a ceiling of 20%. The target percentage of total supply coins staked is 66%. The network uses an algorithm to maintain this level. When the staked percentage of total supply is above 66%, the inflation heads down to the floor of 7%. When the staked rate is below 66%, the inflation starts heading up toward the ceiling of 20%. Today's Total staked ratio is 66.26%, and inflation is 14.20% ! You can see on the graph that right after reaching 66% , inflation started to decrease! And heading down to 7% block by block! HERE: https://monitor.bronbro.io/d/cosmos-graph/cosmos-stats-graph?orgId=2&from=now-6M&to=now It's impossible to know tomorrow's Atom inflation because today, some users can undelegate or delegate millions of Atoms and the total staked ratio might be increased or vice versa! You can check Cosmos Hub's stats here: https://monitor.bronbro.io/d/cosmos-stats/cosmos-stats?orgId=2&refresh=5s There are talks ongoing on Cosmos Forum about changing the Atom tokenomics/inflation. You can explore them here: https://forum.cosmos.network/c/research/research/40 https://forum.cosmos.network/t/atom-tokenomics-update-blockworks-research-aadao-grant-monetary-policy/11519/18

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