210 похожих чатов

How does the bridge deal with bridging back the asset

to a chain where there isn't enough liquidity? For example right now there are 50.1 ETH bridged from Ethereum, 1.9 from Arbitrum and only 0.1 from Polygon. So if I bridge say 0.5 ETH from Ethereum and then try to bridge it back to Polygon there isn't enough ETH there.

Will the transaction fail on the source chain (Telos) or does it go through and the funds will be "stuck" until liquidity becomes available?

2 ответов

5 просмотров

It will just not allow you to go back to that particular chain until there is enough there.

It will be stuck from what I understand of L0 stack. In that case the transaction would be stored at the destination chain to be retried (a manual process unless there is something they added to the UI that is not on their scanner) when there is enough liquidity for the transaction to be executed successfully.

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