210 похожих чатов

Hello, I need your help. I can't transfer my AVAX from

P-Chain to C-Chain on the Mainnet
When i connect with my ledger key and i try, i have this message "Transfer Failed". After this error, i can't connect to the Mainnet Network !!! I have tried on Windows 10/Edge/Chrome, Windows 11/Edge/Chrome and Android with the same result. Any idea ?

4 ответов

14 просмотров
Quinqua-EnColere⏚ Автор вопроса

Same problem with Brave and Tor...

I still have the same problem, 1 week and staking Avax in the native wallet still isnt fixed. Incredibly disappointing.

I still have the same problem, 1 week and staking ...

Sorry this is happening... At what point does the transfer fail? Note that the Avalanche wallet uses the BIP44 derivation path https://support.avax.network/en/articles/6253026-how-to-make-a-cross-chain-transfer-in-the-avalanche-wallet-between-x-and-p-chain

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