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There is a draft proposal on the Cosmos forum to set the max inflation to 10% ! but its not live on chain yet. But you can check it and join the discussion : https://forum.cosmos.network/t/proposal-set-max-inflation-at-10/11841/1

Most ppl agree or disagree?

Still deciding. Lower inflation makes sense. It will definitely benefit DeFi and attract institutional capital, but will also negatively affect our profitability as validators. Plus, Cosmos co-founder Jae Kwon says the inflation is supposed to be high, to punish those who don't stake and to attract enough stake that IBC is secure. Lots to think about.

Most ppl agree or disagree?

Still deciding. Lower inflation makes sense. It will definitely benefit DeFi and attract institutional capital, but will also negatively affect our profitability as validators. Plus, Cosmos co-founder Jae Kwon says the inflation is supposed to be high, to punish those who don't stake and to attract enough stake that IBC is secure. You can read his comments here: https://forum.cosmos.network/t/proposal-set-max-inflation-at-10/11841/28 Lots to think about.

Matt | Blocks United Validator (WILL NEVER DM YOU FIRST)
Still deciding. Lower inflation makes sense. It wi...

I think the punishment change the way from inflation to tax maybe more painful to non staker

It’s pretty simple: builders vs grifters.

As JK (buildoor) explained the inflation rate should be decreased naturally via a well-structured ICS and not as ZM (griftoor) likes to push it by topdown force.

As JK (buildoor) explained the inflation rate shou...

The latter is just a degen finplay which has zero direct effect for the eco. Plans like these come from people who don’t care about the eco safety and purposely misrepresent matters. To present Atom as money finally is such a scam play that everything else should be dismissed on beforehand.

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