atom on cosmos hub via kepl wallet. I choose coinbase however recently there was some sort of warning that they charge 20% commissions?
Anyone familiar with the reason
20% commission is crazy, especially for someone like coinbase who definitely doesn't need it! go with someone with lower commission, also lower in the list by voting power, as wayne suggested
Its easier to redelegate than unstake if you wish to, that way you wont' lose staking rewards or time. We are open to delegations. - 5% commission fee - 99.9% uptime - Fast support - Zero slash history on all networks.. Feel free to stake with us
Staking via Coinbase is the worst thing to do both profit wise and in all other terms. Go for community relayers those who work and vote actively. And they usually charge the least
They are equally as "safe" as coinbase?
Anything is safer than coinbase. By the way as you stake you can't lose money you might just have slushing or pay high fees if you choose the wrong validators
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