210 похожих чатов

What about your proposition ? Did you write a proposition

that we can read ? @ChrisBarnes1

4 ответов

13 просмотров
Musozi- Автор вопроса


not yet, but a proposition has been written. In my view the hardest sell here is B1 themselves, not us, the EOS community. So my preference is to go to them with a proposal first, see what can and can't work, and then bring that to the community.

Musozi- Автор вопроса

OK that is fine but I would personaly prefer if the community was involved for better chance of success. But also you heard many of our requests already in this chat. If something good can come from this it would be a good suprise.

OK that is fine but I would personaly prefer if th...

thank you, and believe me I know nothing will happen if we don't ALSO get community, and EOS stakeholder buy in. I just think B1 is the harder sell...some might disagree with that point, but its my perspective that I think has the strongest chance of success...Which is VERY low!! I know I've already said that, but want to be very clear. The likelihood is low that anything comes of my attempt, but I will attempt all the same.

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