210 похожих чатов

Really intresting what I have learned the last 24 hours,

there are no Bonus airdrops and links in a proposal are often or every time a scam. If they got access to your wallet and unbound the atoms, is there any way to stop the scaming process? The Scammer must wait 21 days too, so how you are faster than the scammers bot when the atoms are ready to use? This scammy bots are really fast?!

7 ответов

24 просмотра

If your wallet is compromised, you should contact @cosmosrescue !

There will be never ATOM Airdrop via a proposal. So all airdrop proposals are SCAM!

Alexander- Автор вопроса
If your wallet is compromised, you should contact ...

Thank you for your answer, so if it happens, there will be a chance to help. Fine to read that.

Is there case, when scammer will not wait for unbound and make instant liquid position and take it without waiting ?

Moon 🌒 kid
Is there case, when scammer will not wait for unbo...

better not to talk about that here where scammers are watching

Moon 🌒 kid
OK 🥲

they're learning fast 😢

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