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RWA + DePIN will be this cycle's killer pair ⚔️ 🚨Mark

your calendars for this exclusive Live X Space TOMORROW, November 9, at 6pm UTC

Hear from #Web3's leading voices that are bringing #RWA and #DePIN to the mainstream:

Teej Ragsdale → Co-Founder Entheos
→ Prev. RWA MakerDAO

Quinn Thompson → Head of Capital Markets & Growth Maple, leading on-chain RWA marketplace

Amy James → Co-Exec. Director Web3 Working Group
→ Recent interviewee on Bloomberg Technology on DePIN

Gary Bogatin → CIO WiFi Map, one of the largest DePIN projects with over 15 million contributors

➡️ Read the full blog about what are Real World Assets (RWA) and DePIN? - https://iotex.io/blog/real-world-assets-depin/

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RWA + DePIN X Space is live now! Tune in and share: https://x.com/iotex_io/status/1722674356138975413?s=20

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