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You can learn about Injective here https://injective.notion.site/An-Introduction-to-Injective-947a39267e9f46c2a82b8a07d95b3730?pvs=4

G-G Автор вопроса
to what coin is it comparable 2

INJ is native coin on Injective chain

G-G Автор вопроса
is it comparable to eth?

Injective natively uses IBC and is highly-interoperable with multiple layer ones, including, but not limited to, Polkadot and Solana. It is also uniquely built to be interoperable with Ethereum, through its own decentralized ERC-20 token bridge, making Injective the first network within the Cosmos ecosystem to natively support Ethereum assets.

Injective natively uses IBC and is highly-interope...

First network? Think Composable is also doing something similar.

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