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Does Yves himself or anyone in ENF in any way

influence with BP votes, in official or unofficial, direct or indirect way?

7 ответов

17 просмотров

I'm sure I've seen no evidence, yes, would you like to present some evidence?

Hahn☝️- Автор вопроса
Were you made sure by Yves?

Yves has repeatedly stated that the ENF is not in the business of selecting BPs, and we will work with whomever is selected by tokenholders to continue supporting the network. I believe that and I've seen no evidence to the contrary. I don't know who all the big tokenholders are and I'm not a mathy network analysis guy who is studying transactions on the network, so I don't have the capacity to directly analyze and do that kind of detective work. I rely on the dozens of very smart and conscientious people I work with both within and without the ENF, such as yourself, to help keep an eye on the network. The ENF is actively working to introduce changes to the consensus algorithm that could even further decentralize block production, validation, and so forth.

Hahn☝️- Автор вопроса
Hahn☝️- Автор вопроса
Zack Gall | EOS Network Foundation
I can also attest to this

I can as well FWIW, as a party that very likely would benefit from a situation where the ENF did engage in BP selection. Yves has stated he wants to do whatever is in his power to keep teams (like mine) involved in the ecosystem, but BP selection isn’t ever going to be one of those things.

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